Angelica O’Rourke
2 min readJul 5, 2020


from Tarot of Dreams card and layout by A O’Rourke

The Earth element is the energy of resources. It can be seen in the readings of the tarot with the color green. Resources include our Earthly provisions. It may be time, money, health, and sustenance. Anything that provides for your well being. You will know. In this spread, the V COINS shows past struggles with this resource. The struggles have been affecting you negatively. This is the past and it is out of your control. A wise sage asked me, “can you change it?”, then let it go and focus on what you can change.

The energy is focused on giving and receiving. In order to live a content and balanced life, you must be actively involved in both giving and receiving. Capitalists know this is how to keep a healthy economy. You have your own inner economy if you will. If it isn’t balanced, you will feel unwell. It will manifest itself in various ways within your own being.

I often share with my students that they can make a huge difference in their world by giving what they can or by willingly receive what is being offered to them.

In a Tarot reading, the cards that surround will give more information about the specifics of the card.

